In the present study, two literary topoi related to love are introduced and their historical evolution from the Classical tradition towards modern culture is traced. Their realization in Eugene O'Neill's modern American tragedy Mourning Becomes Electra (1931) is also studied. These topoi are specifically: 'love out of hatred' and 'jealousy in love'. It is argued that both topoi comprise four stages, emerge from the Ancient Greek and Roman literature and evolve into modern culture, as in O'Neill's play, following the tradition. Moreover, despite critics' claim that O'Neill's Mourning Becomes Electrais basically influenced by Euripides, Sophocles, and Aeschylus's retelling of the story of Orestes and Electra, the contextualization of these two topoi follows the tradition of Homer's Iliad and Ovid's Metamorphoses . Finally, in this study, the appearance of each topos in contemporary world television and cinema such as the British Becoming Jane (2007), the Iranian Shahrzad Series (2015) and the American La La Land (2016) is studied.
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