This paper studies a corpus of journalistic texts written by Salvador Mañer, who introduced in Spain one of the most important newspapers during the earliest stages of the Spanish press, Mercurio histórico y político —which he translated between 1738 and 1744 from an original that was published in French in The Hague by Jean Rousset. The aim sought consists in analyzing the functions performed by the Translator's notes in the transmission of information and in the construction of a diaphonic relationship between the translator, the original author and the rest of the enunciative sources present in this work. Starting from the conceptualization of notions such as conceptional orality, interaction in absentia and diaphonic reformulations, offered by various authors in the field of linguistics of varieties and enunciation, our analysis reveals that, in his role as Translator's notes author, Mañer is a highly committed instance that interacts with the author of the original source through the mediation of the translated discourse to create a variety of structures in which the enunciative heterogeneity of the whole is explicitly shown.
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Fuentes primarias
[Mercure]: Mercure historique et politique, Contenant l'Etat présent de l’Europe, ce qui se passe dans toutes les Cours, les Intérêts des Princes, leurs Brigues, & généralement tout ce qu'il y a de plus curieux. Le tout accompagné de Refléxions Politiques sur chaque Etat. La Haye, Chez Frederic-Henri Scheurleer, 1738-1744.
[Mercurio]: Mercurio histórico y político, en que se contiene el estado presente de la Europa: lo que passa en todas sus Cortes: los interesses de los Principes; y todo lo mas curioso. Con las Reflexiones Politicas de cada Estado. Traducido del Francés al Castellano del Mercurio del Haya, por Monsieur Le-Margne. Madrid, Imprenta del Reino, 1738-1744.
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