Vol. 12 No. 17 (2023): Res Mobilis. Special Issue. Contributions to the study of contemporary interior design in Asturias (Spain)
Res Mobilis. Special Issue. Contributions to the study of contemporary interior design in Asturias (Spain)

Since 2012, this journal that focuses its research on furniture, decorative objects and
interior design has archieved a solid dissemination work by publishing more than two
hundred and fifty exclusive articles & research papers that address these topics through
perspectives from practically all over the world. Articles related to Asturias have been
very scarce and, to contrarrest this scarcity, we have crafted this special issue, which
hopes to have continuity in other special issues in the future.

The reason is obvious. We believe that the time has come to commit ourselves to
Asturian society in a transfer of knowledge in an open format, made up of original works
that will help us draw a portrait of the past and an outline of the present in a matter that
is currently partially unpublished in the region, as the management of the magazine is
carried out by the publications service of the University of Oviedo and the management
team belongs to the teaching and research staff of the aforementioned institution.

This issue has brought together various research topics carried out by researchers from
the EsArt group - Scenarios for the arts - which has, among its lines of work, the recovery
of artists and design pieces in Asturias. The variety of approaches, both in the object of
study and in the applied methodology, reveals the complexity of readings and realities
of design contained in the region, a wealth that becomes a singular, fragile heritage that
almost always lacks protection. For this reason, it is so important to piece together its
history and current reality.

Guest editor: Carmen Bermejo Lorenzo