The evolving University. Walking towards a sustainable and responsible future in an informed way
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educational innovation aprendizaje
innovación educativa

How to Cite

Arreguit, X., & Álvarez Arregui, E. (2021). The evolving University. Walking towards a sustainable and responsible future in an informed way. Riaices, 3(1), 5–14.



The current Society is characterized by its complex, interdependent, dynamic and informative nature where persons and legal entities are integrated into a political, social, economic, ecological, physical and finite environment with limited resources. In this context, different macro-trends are being consolidated that make new economic, political and social models germinate that force people to permanently adapt their skills, necessary to avoid generating polarizations, exclusions and literacy gaps that must be addressed from new coordinates. Universities that have been places of generation and transmission of knowledge must understand, accept and adapt to the emerging context and anticipate future situations, since if they do not do so, their missions will be doomed to irrelevance and will be displaced as educational agents and references. In this document, reference is made to this process of change and emerging proposals that are already working to build a sustainable and responsible future are valued.
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