Innovation culture of teaching in University Institutions. Transformations under the circumstances of Covid-19. Skills development
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Culture of Innovation
Methodology Competencias
Cultura de Innovación

How to Cite

Medina Rivilla, A. . (2021). Innovation culture of teaching in University Institutions. Transformations under the circumstances of Covid-19. Skills development. Riaices, 3(2), 5–15.


The purpose of the research on Teaching Innovation, which we present, in coherence with the one intended by the team, chaired by Dr. Domínguez Garrido, is to build a vision of comprehensive improvement of teaching practices at the University, in coherence with the challenge of COVID-19 and the stage of uncertainty that emerged.

The aim has been to train teachers and students, especially first year University and Master in the training of professional and generic skills, through the design of activities and usefulness of ICT, consistent with this challenge, using the forum of the ALF platform.

The applied Methodology has focused on the case study, completed with the content analysis of the texts corresponding to the answers given to the various tasks, consistent with the advancement in the Identity, Innovative and Methodological competencies, to train students through active learning processes, using the Atlas-ti Program and the contrast between experts.

The analysis how the involvement of the students in the training act and the use of the platform, as a support resource, which allows us to synthesize the abundant responses and proceed to a meticulous study of them.

The collaboration and rigor of the actions and the quality of what has been done are highlighted, aware of the creative role of each student, dyads and the advice of the participating teachers.

The progress in training in the Identity, Communication and Methodological competencies, which have configured the keys to a new University culture, in coherence with the objectives set, stands out.

The research and transfer community, which has been formed by teachers and students, and the achievements in training in the intended competencies, in the pandemic period with priority in those of Identity and communication, are pointed out.

 The dedication of the teaching staff and the relevance of the tasks proposed to each student in the COVID-19 period, which have consolidated this culture of innovation in teaching and training in the intended competencies of the students, with the support of the forum, is confirmed.
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