A new European education proposal: Young Universities for the future of Europe (YUFE)
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López Castro, M. S. (2022). A new European education proposal: Young Universities for the future of Europe (YUFE). Riaices, 4(1), 29–33. https://doi.org/10.17811/ria.4.1.2022.29-33


As a result of the new educational, social, technological and economic challenges facing society, the European Union has decided to fund several projects to develop and implement the first models for a European University. This is a common, long term strategy for shared and integrated education between universities, with links to research, innovation, and society focused on sustainability, excellence and values. One of the selected alliances that will serve as a laboratory for the implementation of the new European university concept is the Young Universities for the Future of Europe alliance. The aim of this document is to describe the main characteristics of this proposal, as well as the main challenges it faces in the future.

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