Policies for Regional Development Based on STEM Competencies: The Ñuble Region, Chile
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STEM, Sostenibilidad, Innovación educativa, Desarrollo regional, Vinculación con el entorno, Transdisciplinariedad, Equidad social STEM, Sustainability, Educational Innovation, Development, Regional Development, Community Engagement, Transdisciplinarity, Social Equity STEM, Sustentabilidade, Inovação educacional, Desenvolvimento, Vinculação com o entorno, Transdisciplinaridade, Equidade social

How to Cite

Toledo Montiel, J. F. (2024). Policies for Regional Development Based on STEM Competencies: The Ñuble Region, Chile. Riaices, 6(1), 5–10. https://doi.org/10.17811/ria.6.1.2024.5-10


The Ñuble region faces significant structural challenges, such as educational inequalities, technological limitations, and an economy based on traditional sectors. In response, STEM emerges as a transformative approach that combines innovation, inclusion, and sustainability, addressing these difficulties. This article analyzes how the integration of STEM into public policies, such as the 2030 Regional Development Strategy, can catalyze the economic and social progress of Ñuble. The STEM approach not only addresses the local needs of the Ñuble region but also aligns with the global STEM education agenda. These policies have proven successful in integrating advanced technology and innovative educational practices, offering a transformative model applicable to rural contexts such as Ñuble. In the context of Ñuble, this approach can be key to designing programs that leverage meaningful social interactions and guided learning, strengthening young people’s engagement with STEM.


Additionally, the links between STEM and sustainability are explored, highlighting its capacity to drive structural changes in rural communities. This includes improving educational competencies and generating jobs in emerging sectors such as green technology. The analysis incorporates a comparative perspective, examining successful programs in Latin America, Asia, and Europe, adapting their lessons to the specific context of Ñuble. International and local success cases are highlighted, such as rural learning ecosystems and community participation programs, which provide a model for promoting equity and regional competitiveness.

Finally, in a global context that demands effective local responses, the Ñuble region has a unique opportunity for transformation through STEM education, positioning itself as a reference for sustainable and inclusive development. Therefore, integrating organizational theory into STEM education can lead to systemic and sustainable change. These frameworks offer perspectives on institutional isomorphism, which explains how organizations adapt to external pressures and evolve through shared learning processes. This perspective aligns with regional efforts to leverage STEM for the economic and educational progress of Ñuble.

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