In the present work we are going to make an approach to the grammaticalization and pragmatization processes that asymmetrically affected the pragmatic modalizers typical of the Asturian language ho(m), ne, nin and nina. Relate to the grammaticalization process, we can see that these items come from lexical units with full meaning, which over time were grammaticalized, undergoing a series of changes at different linguistic levels (phonetic, morphological, semantic ...) until they become the modalizers of today. However, the incidence of grammaticalization did not affect all items in the same way, which is reflected in the different functions and effects of these modalizers. Thus, they replaced the referential load, the ability to send an element of reality, by the instructional load, the ability to provide instructions to decode the message in the most appropriate way when referring to a certain reality. This substitution of the referential (typical of the symbolic sign), by the instructional (typical of the indexical sign) implies a process of pragmatization of these elements. Taking into account that the pragmatic categories constitute a spectrum between two extremes, we are going to deal with two aspects: the first is that according to the degree of grammaticalization, each modalizer will have a character closer to the vocative or closer to the interjection within a spectrum of appeal, without conforming to either of these two categories in an absolute way; the second is that the different degree of grammaticalization will determine the emphasis with which these modalizers value or attenuate statements that may be rude to the interlocutor. And all this within a pragmatic framework, without going to assess or propose grammatical categorizations.
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