Some notes about folk literature in Senabria (Zamora-Spain)
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lliteratura oral
tradiciones orales
lleendes folk-literature
oral traditions

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Xuan Xosé. (2021). Some notes about folk literature in Senabria (Zamora-Spain). Lletres Asturianes, (125), 123–143.


The aim of this article is to offer a panoramic view of the senabrese oral literature, paying special attention to a specific tale and legend that resides in Senabria’s collective mind. Following this path, the study begins with a short overview of the oral literature research history in this territory in order to pursue the investigation of the various oral literature genres that can be found in the region through the example of a tale and a legend present in the senabrese oral tradition. In this portion there are presented plenty of popular songs, romances, sayings, old trades, and anecdotes accompanied with their respective examples. Therefore, in the case of the popular songs it is offered an array of traditional instances that have their roots in the senabrese adaptations of foreign melodies as well as others of newer creation. The senabrese versions of the famed Mambrú and Gerineldo romances are used for the exemplification of this type of genre. Next, there are several examples of traditional sayings. With regard to the old trades, is offered a sample that revolves around the bread oven, and in relation to anectodes, a story comprised of wolves as a main subject.
In the second part, in connection with popular tales and legends –bearing in mind where they are placed in Aarne-Thompson-Uther’s (ATU – Uther, 2004) classification– there are given several examples, particurally in relation to tales of giants. Succesively, in the fragment specifically dedicated to tales, instances that verse about mouros (Moors) and other fictional or magical characters are presented in a way that allows the study to treat them according to Thompson’s (1995) tale motivs and to consecutively approach witch stories, sightings and apparitions of the dead or people close to its demise, and other popular beliefs from that point of view. The article closes with a handful of conclusions in reference to the perception of the survival capability of these tales and the linguistic replacement in Senabria.
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