The aim of this work is to study the palatalisation of the Latin groups TJ, KJ, K+E,I in Asturian, which offers a double result in medieval times: voiceless [ts] and usually written with «c» or «ç», or voiced [dz] and usually written with «z». However, medieval Asturian documentation presents a great amount of cases of graphic irregularity in the representation of these sounds. Taking this into account, and after a bibliographical review of the state of the art, the focus of this research will be on the comparative analysis of MA(T)TIANA, PLA(T)TEA, *PE(T)TIA and MA(T)TEA etyma, with special interest in drawing a comparison between the Asturian continuators and the continuators, both historical and dialectal, of other Western Romanic languages. Therefore, this study will try to determine whether the situation of apparent orthographic incoherence in medieval Asturian scripta are the result of an idioromanic development of Asturian, or whether they may be the testimony of a phenomenon with great repercussion that could begin in a proto-Romance phase.
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