The clock, the bell, and the gunshot. On the semantics, pragmatics and sociolinguistics of the verb sentir
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verbos mentales
verbos de perceición
multimodalidá mental verbs
perception verbs
verbs meaning to feel
multimodality verbos mentales
verbos de percección

How to Cite

Riesco García, P. (2024). The clock, the bell, and the gunshot. On the semantics, pragmatics and sociolinguistics of the verb sentir. Lletres Asturianes, (130), 88–110.


Within the broader context of a research project about mental verbs in Latin, particularly focused on perception and opinion verbs (see Viberg, 2001), this article aims to trace the lexical diachrony of the latin verb sentiō and its continuation, whether conservative or innovative, in the Asturian verbal lexeme sentir. Indeed, verbs signifying “to feel”, such as the aforementioned Latin sentiō, its Romance successors (Galician sentir, Portuguese sentir, Asturian sentir, Spanish sentir, Catalan sentir, French sentir, Italian pandialectal sentire, Friulian sintî, Romansh sentir, Romanian simți), and other analogous lexical units (English feel, Dutch voel, Russian чувствовать [chuvstvovat’] for example), represent a case of “multimodality” or polysemy (Delmas, 2006; Jansegers, Enghels & Cruz-Domínguez 2016; Fernández Jaén, 2016), typically studied among cognitive verbs in language.

Our work relies on lexicographic data from ThLL (1900-), DELLA (2018-2022), and other Latin and Asturian dictionaries, complemented by our own research, corpora, and surveys conducted on native speakers in contemporary Asturies. The objective is to present a triple characterization of the verb from distinct perspectives: synchronically, as a continuator of Latin (diachronically), and within the context of the Romance languages, while considering facts corresponding to various levels of linguistic analysis. The article concludes by initiating an exploration of the sentiō-sentir diachrony from a sociolinguistic perspective, within the Asturian-Spanish continuum of our linguistic domain. All this data will lead the reader as they tries to answer our central question: what does it mean sentir in Asturies? Is it the same in Asturian as in Spanish or Latin?
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