«It’s good because it’s awful». Joachim Lottmann or how the camp formulates its complaint
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Joachim Lottmann
Susan Sontag
Social denouncement Literatura pop
Joachim Lottmann
Susan Sontag
denuncia social


The idea of camp, developed by the American philosopher Susan Sontag in the second half of the 20th century, has traditionally been associated with queer, kitsch or extravagant aesthetics. However, the German author Joachim Lottmann makes use of this taste for affectation and exaggeration to construct a crude denunciation linked to current affairs thanks to the application of the different premises that the American author gathered in her essay Notes on Camp: glorification of the character, irony, naivety, the capacity to provoke attraction and repulsion at the same time, as well as developing a discourse capable of being serious in the face of the frivolous or attacking seriousness from frivolity. The combination of these traits manages to make Lottmann’s narrative a complete and complex denunciation of current society, making the novels Der Geldkomplex (2009) and Endlich Kokain (2014) his two greatest exponents: the growing aporophobia in 21st century Germany, the capitalisation of the art world and the dictates of appearances are the cross-cutting themes of two novels in which the camp deploys its means to achieve a plausible denunciation that is committed to its context.

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