The narrative as an identity and innovative process in teaching
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realidad y transformación Teacher
reality and transformation

How to Cite

Gomez Martinez, R. (2021). The narrative as an identity and innovative process in teaching. Riaices, 3(2), 35–42.


To assess the conditions of incorporation to the teacher training process, requires the recognition of the lived experiences in the narratives elaborated by the protagonists, who through autobiographies describe the significant moments that inclined their preference towards teaching.

Knowing the reasons that invite to be a teacher, allows the teacher trainer to select the formative processes that propitiate within the professional exercise to influence the development of an identity, a process that inevitably has to do with the other, with the advisor, with the partner, with the subjects that are studied, with the teaching practices that are carried out and in them with the students, with the content of the subject, with the methodologies, with the physical space, with the fears, with the successes and frustrations, with the unknown origin of arrival and with the uncertain future.

To this panorama it is necessary to add demands and challenges that society and educational policy raises in function of which the advisers of the future teacher visualize the type of teacher that is required and construct strategies, projects and / or educational programs that affect the development of a professional identity guiding aspects related to: awareness about their individual and collective role, their mission and their goals in relation to the global and collective history. The aim is the trainer awareness of the characteristics that imprints to the teacher training are affecting the transcendent destiny, from where the future teacher projects their life horizon, within a community and from its possibilities.
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