Labor aspects of the teacher, their leadership and their effect on student behavior
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sociología del profesorado
interacción didáctica
educación pública
profesionalismo docente teacher leadership
teacher sociology
didactic interaction
public education
teacher professionalism

How to Cite

Juraz Rolón, N. E. (2021). Labor aspects of the teacher, their leadership and their effect on student behavior. Riaices, 3(1), 31–38.


Education in Mexico has had a series of failures and improvements over the years. It may be due both to the new educational models that are staged by parents, to irrationalities in the curricular plans, to a deficient or efficient administration of the secretary of education, to the constantly varying behavior of the student or to the professionalism of the teacher. Although each aspect has a remarkable impact on the training of students, the teacher is the one who stages everything that is behind the entire organizational scheme in the educational issue, he is the one who ends up executing all the decisions made. The intention of this study is to generate an explanation about the behavior of students from the role played by the teacher in the classroom seen from the theories of teacher leadership, and in turn, how this is influenced by the working conditions with which they must do front. The point of reference, of course, is the public secondary education teacher in northwest Mexico. It must be remembered that preparation at this educational level is a decisive step for the continuity of the studies of every young person, since it constitutes the last stretch of compulsory education, and taking the following levels is already a more personal decision than necessary. The situational context that awaits all teachers to live is described, followed by the problematization of their current conditions and later by the choice of pertinent theories for the generation of a model that serves for the study and analysis of their work, then offering as of proposal a methodological approach for its verification.
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