Development of reflective thinking through the application of transcendental projects.
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investigación y reflexión paradigma
reflexão paradigm
research and reflection

How to Cite

Contreras Cabrera, M. A. (2022). Development of reflective thinking through the application of transcendental projects. Riaices, 4(1), 23–28.


The present research is based on a research context that recognizes the need to cognitively develop reflective capacities of the subjects through transdisciplinary dialectical research, highlighting that between the foundational reasoning and epistemology, the relationship that exists with the positivist and positive paradigms is described. interpretative, conceiving complex thought from a paradigmatic vision that predominates in the developed process. In relation to the research problem requested, an inquiry is integrated into multiple categories and criteria that demonstrate the relevance of being addressed, because the subjects need to develop reflective thinking, being evident in the conditions of our country, since the theoretical framework they contemplate those theories that consolidate the structure and use of transdisciplinary research, exemplified in the prospective method used at the moment of reading reality. In the following spaces, a description of the consistency, relationship and operation of the different moments that make up the methodological process of transdisciplinary dialectical research is added, associated with the development and discussion in which progress of the information that has been consulted and analyzed about different countries is shown. that have favorable conditions that are subsequently unraveled in the results and conclusions.
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