Transdisciplinary strategy supported by the use of Learning and Knowledge Technologies (LKT) to empow- er the creative subject.
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Complex thinking
Transdisciplinary Dialectical Rationality
problem solving Pensamiento complejo Racionalidad
Dialéctica Transdisciplinar
solución de problemas

How to Cite

Santana Saavedra, D. (2022). Transdisciplinary strategy supported by the use of Learning and Knowledge Technologies (LKT) to empow- er the creative subject. Riaices, 4(1), 41–48.


The transdisciplinary strategy for the use of learning and knowledge technologies (TAC) to enhance the creative subject in the training of primary school students, corresponding to the basic level of education in Mexico, articulates the relevance of a change in approach learning to enhance creative thinking, problem solving (PBL) and project-oriented learning (AOP) with a broad requirement in autonomous and collaborative learning. The proposal is developed in the paradigm of transdisciplinary dialectical rationality, passing through six methodological moments moment 1 vision of the future with the approach of a possible subject; moment 2, problem field of possible knowledge objects; moment 3 empirical problematization; moment 4 theoretical problematization; moment 5 viability; moment 6 theorization. The results of the research are theorized by the triangulation method, complexed at three empirical, theoretical and complex levels, in relation to the subject, object and process. From this exhaustive process of articulation of data, codes and categories, different theses emerge in relation to the creative subject, the object as strategy, the research process and the integration of these elements.
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