The present research recovers the experience of teachers referring to comprehensive training assumed from emerging epistemologies, where, through a process of reading reality, discourses focused on comprehensive training are heard but are not present in reality, which allowed generating an investigation focused on a case study. The experience was implemented with a semi-structured interview, which questioned conceptions and experiences around integrality, visualizing discourses where it is assumed as synonymous with values and not from the complexity that the approach of integral psychology, housed in the Theory of Everything, assumes. for the training of subjects. Within the discourses, the evaluation of the students is interspersed by their cognitive abilities and leaving aside the traits of the subjects that are articulated to train in complexity. The research concludes with reflection on the need for paradigm changes; The interactions focused on evaluating subjects from the quantity and the cognitive skills disarticulated from the social, emotional, spiritual, among others, are still present and the commitment to training in transdiscipline, criticality and complexity is left aside.
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