Teacher training after the pandemic. Lessons and reflections from the Mexican context.
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formación profesional, conocimientos, necesidades, tecnología, contexto formação profissional, conhecimento, necesidades, tecnologia, contexto Vocational training, Knowledge, Needs, Technology, Context

How to Cite

Hernández González, M. (2024). Teacher training after the pandemic. Lessons and reflections from the Mexican context. Riaices, 6(1), 57–63. https://doi.org/10.17811/ria.6.1.2024.57-63


 Before the Covid-19 pandemic was presented, there were a series of voices that questioned the daily work of schools. Then the pandemic arrived, closing physical classrooms and shaking all existing certainties. Looking back at this situation, we ask ourselves: What have we learned in the educational field after these experiences? What profile of teacher was it necessary to promote? Have teacher training institutions changed our practices based on the lessons that the health contingency taught us? This paper seeks to contribute ideas to these questions, having two general objectives: to identify the traits and knowledge that must be incorporated into the graduate profiles in teacher training in Mexico. And to know the proposed actions that teacher training institutions point out as necessary to achieve the traits and knowledge that are being prioritized. Research is being carried out at the Escuela Normal Superior de Michoacán where teachers from the same, normalistas and recently graduated teachers participate. Triangulation of techniques and triangulation of informants are used with instruments such as narratives, surveys and interviews. Among the findings, there is a tendency to favour interdisciplinarity - instead of just disciplines -, the development of critical thinking skills, use of technologies as well as a more comprehensive vision of the teacher and his students.

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