Interactive language learning through the transcultural approach (AILET)
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Transcultural approach
interactive learning
teacher education
teacher training
linguistic mentoring
multilingualism Abordagem transcultural
aprendizagem interativa
formação de formadores
mentoria linguística
multilinguismo Enfoque transcultural
aprendizaje interactivo
formación de formadores
mentoreo lingüístico

How to Cite

Diaz Romero, N. (2022). Interactive language learning through the transcultural approach (AILET). Riaices, 4(1), 49–54.


The article presents a preview of a research thesis within the Teacher Education Doctorate program at the Escuela Normal Superior de Michoacán. This progress of the research corresponds to the proposed transdisciplinary strategy for the training of cross-cultural teachers. The proposal has the format of an online/virtual on-going training course for in-service or pre-service language teachers. The proposed course will take place from November 1 to December 4, 2021, and in this article the theoretical support of its planning and progress within the research work in question will be presented.
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