Volumen 26, Número 4
Volumen 26, Número 4


Jesús Gómez Bujedo, Andrés García García, Vicente Pérez Fernández
Failure to find symmetry in pigeons after multiple exemplar training
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Raquel Fidalgo, Mark Torrance, Olga Arias-Gundín, Begoña Martínez-Cocó
Comparison of reading-writing patterns and performance of students with and without reading difficulties
PDF (Español (España))
Catherine Dubé1, Laura Monetta1, María Macarena Martínez-Cuitiño, Maximiliano A. Wilson
Independent effects of imageability and grammatical class in synonym judgement in aphasia
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María Soledad Beato, Jason Arndt
False recognition production indexes in forward associative strength (FAS) lists with three critical words
PDF (Español (España))
Elena Gayo, Manuel Deaño, ángeles Conde, Iolanda Ribeiro, Irene Cadime, Sonia Alfonso
Effect of an intervention program on the reading comprehension processes and strategies in 5th and 6th grade students
PDF (Español (España))
Ana Miranda, Carmen Berenguer, Carla Colomer, Rocío Roselló
Influence of the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and comorbid disorders on functioning in adulthood
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Tania Iglesias, Liudmila Liutsko, José María Tous
Proprioceptive diagnostics in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
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José Olivares, Pablo J. Olivares-Olivares, Ana I. Rosa-Alcázar, Luis Montesinos, Diego Macià
The contribution of the therapist's competence in the treatment of adolescents with generalized social phobia
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Roberto Baiocco, Salvatore Ioverno, Rita Cerutti, Federica Santamaria, Lilybeth Fontanesi, Vittorio Lingiardi1, Emma Baumgartner, Fiorenzo Laghi
Suicidal ideation in Spanish and Italian lesbian and gay young adults: the role of internalized sexual stigma
PDF (Español (España))
Esther Trepat, Roser Granero, Lourdes Ezpeleta
Parenting practices as mediating variables between parents' psychopathology and oppositional defiant disorder in preschoolers
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Natalia Sylvia Ramos Díaz, óliver Jiménez Jiménez, Paulo N. Lopes
The role of mindfulness in coping with recollections of acute stressors: a laboratory study
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Minoo Mahmoodi, Siamak Shahidi, Nasrin Hashemi-Firouzi
Effects of phosphodieastrase type 5 inhibitions on morphine withdrawal symptoms in mice
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Marcelino Cuesta Izquierdo, Eduardo Fonseca Pedrero
Estimating the reliability coefficient of tests in presence of missing values
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María Del Carmen Pérez Fuentes, José Jesús Gázquez Linares, Isabel Mercader Rubio, María Del Mar Molero Jurado
Brief emotional intelligence inventory for senior citizens (EQ-I-M20)
PDF (Español (España))
Juan E. Jiménez, Amber Gove, Luis Crouch, Cristina Rodríguez
Internal structure and standardized scores of the Spanish adaptation of the EGRA (Early Grade Reading Assessment) for early reading assessment
PDF (Español (España))
Liliana Díaz-Gracia, Claudio Barbaranelli, Bernardo Moreno-Jiménez
Spanish version of Colquitt'S Organizational Justice Scale
PDF (Español (España))
José Muñiz, Javier Suárez-álvarez, Ignacio Pedrosa, Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero, Eduardo García-Cueto
Enterprising personality profile in youth: components and assessment
PDF (Español (España))