Art and feminism. Female artist´s condition in early years of the 21 Century in the cultural context of Spain
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Cuesta-De-La-Cal, M. T. (2020). Art and feminism. Female artist´s condition in early years of the 21 Century in the cultural context of Spain. Liño, 26(26), 101–112.



Established the notorious women absence in History and Market of Art, through the article it tries to resolve if social networks are available skills for the improvement of female artist´s position. Therefore, after checking news every day about this topic, studying status of the issue, it is possible to venture that we are attending to a new artistic movement´s birth, feminist mainstream which creates an own and distinguishing place, for first time in the History of Art and with powerful elements of definition. Besides, certain social networks have become into the best mean of communication among female artist, a place to share experiences, ideas, and make public new profiles and exhibitions. Despite that, those changes don´t seem enough to predict a paradigm´s qualitative change, so we have serious doubts of phenomenon´s significance in the long term.

Keywords: female; artist; feminism; anthropology; fine arts; social networks
PDF (Español (España))


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