Humorous Catalogues of National Fine Arts Exhibitions in the last third of the 19th Century
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Bazán de Huerta, M. (2020). Humorous Catalogues of National Fine Arts Exhibitions in the last third of the 19th Century. Liño, 26(26), 55–66.



National Fine Arts Exhibitions are a factor of great importance to appreciate contemporary Spanish art. Open in 1856, these exhibitions were its main promotional way for more tan a century and their celebration became not only artistic events, but also social. An Official Catalogue was published, identifying titles and authors. But they also created guides and parallel editions, as well as a great number of press reviews.

We deal specifically with humorous catalogues which spoofed in satirical verses these exhibitions contents. It is an unique and little known source, written to serve as a visitor guide  while visiting the exhibition. Authors were well-stablished writers and also art critics, who combined great literary skills, inventiveness and sense of humour. The article discusses these sources and provides enjoyable examples which offer an alternative way to art criticism in the last third of the 19th century.


Keywords: National Exhibitions; Catalogue; Art Criticism; Humour; Spanish Art.
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