Art is a word with four legs: Simbology and Resemantization of the dog, main animal in the work of Wolf Vostell
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How to Cite

Bargón García, M. (2020). Art is a word with four legs: Simbology and Resemantization of the dog, main animal in the work of Wolf Vostell. Liño, 26(26), 67–79.



In the present paper we expose the conclusions about the works of the artist Wolf Vostell - a very important artist of the second half of the 20th century of the History of Art- which we can find the presences of the dogs. We have concluded the different meanings of this animal in the Vostell´s language, increasing the knowledge about the artist, as well as showing the different uses of the canine in the works of the German artist, figurative and abstracts, in different formats (happenings, Fluxus concerts, environments, etc.).

Keywords: Vostell; iconography; happening; animals; nature.
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