The publication of some theosophical manuals in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century on novel issues like the type of thought-forms and the color composition of concept aura, meant the opening new creative possibilities for many avant-garde artists. In this sense, some of the paintings by Wassily Kandinsky, Theo van Doesburg and František Kupka, among others, could be interpreted as chromatic permutations from the theoretical stipulation generated especially by the theosophists CW Leadbeater and Annie Besant. Without realizing a mimetic translation of the different hypotheses and conjectures based on the beliefs of this school of hermetic knowledge, these artists embarked on the projection of new experimental opportunities while they were based on the validation of a theoretical corpus that justified the abstract practice in relation to a framework of greater spiritual weight.
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KANDINSKY, Wassily, De lo espiritual en el arte, Editorial Labor, Barcelona, 1992.
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