The sweet gaze: kitsch and iconophagic behavior in a group of religious Lan-terns from La Merced’s collection, Santiago (Chile)
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religious visual culture
iconophagy Fanales
cultura visual religiosa

How to Cite

Jiménez Osorio, L. E. (2021). The sweet gaze: kitsch and iconophagic behavior in a group of religious Lan-terns from La Merced’s collection, Santiago (Chile). Liño, 27(27), 91–100.


This essay argues both the religious and aesthetic sense of the religious lanterns pertaining to the Museo La Merced’s collection, located in Santiago, Chile. These lanterns are sets of objects contained under a glass dome with a small carving of the God represented as a child in the center. Its constitution and creation has been carried out in different historical moments, being the orig-inal carvings from the 18th century and the decorations and cupolas typical of the 19th century. Through a detailed observation and examination of the materials and objects of three specimens, I maintain that the lantern allows a double gaze, religious and aesthetic, that stresses its visual sense from the affectivity, oscillating between the “kitsch” and the iconophagic behavior, two behaviors of the images which are typical of the time in which they are produced (late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries)
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