Typological analysis of the traditional cider llagar in Asturias: an approach from graphic representation
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Llagar tradicional
arquitectura vernácula productiva
Asturias Traditional llagar
productive vernacular architecture

How to Cite

Fernández-Cid Fernández-Viña, E. (2021). Typological analysis of the traditional cider llagar in Asturias: an approach from graphic representation. Liño, 27(27), 163–172. https://doi.org/10.17811/li.27.2021.163-172


The scope of the article is the definition of the traditional cider manufacturing establishements in the Principado de Asturias, llagares, as an architectural type. Direct and material approach to the analyzed asset have supported the research method, for which hand drawing and graphic represen-tation studies from other authors have been essential. A territorial, functional and constructive pers-pective, supported by the exposition of the invariants that characterize the type and its adaptations has driven the research. In short, an original contribution of knowledge defending the conservation and dissemination of these architectures that are in a clear period of obsolescence due to the lack of use and maintenance.

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