Art, technology and gender. (New) contemporary scenarios for gender equality.
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art and technology
activism ciberfeminismo
arte y tecnología

How to Cite

García Sedano, M. (2021). Art, technology and gender. (New) contemporary scenarios for gender equality. Liño, 27(27), 113–124.


Today’s resistance of technological art towards power takes as a starting point theories such as biopower and techno-power, which implies new ways of thinking gender. This perspective be-comes a form of artistic activism rooted in pass examples of cyberfeminism. New struggles and new bioethics that lead to brand-new politics appears. These new realities evidence the extraordinary capacity of these new forms of art to question and dismantle the powers that shape neoliberalism and the colonial order in sex, race, gender binarism, and in politics of control based on moral con-ceptions. The contemporary landscape of dissenting art practices is evident in the study of artistic works, artists and thinkers tackled in this dissertation.
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