Uncertainties in the interventions in the built heritage. Permanent conflicts
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Patrimonio arquitectónico
conservar Architectural heritage

How to Cite

Cabrera García, V. M. (2021). Uncertainties in the interventions in the built heritage. Permanent conflicts. Liño, 27(27), 139–150. https://doi.org/10.17811/li.27.2021.139-150


Currently there is an extensive number of historical buildings that we have inherited from societies before our own and that have been left in disuse due mainly to social changes and the economic model of our society compared to previous ones, which has led to obsolescence on numerous occasions of the inherited buildings and the abandonment of them, facilitating the appearance of the functional ruin and consequently, their disappearance. It is necessary to convert the inherited built heritage in an active resource because abandoned, inactive or in ruins does not help. Today's society must find a balance between the social and economic use of the historic buildings that we have inherited from societies before our own to bequeath them with conservation guarantees for the enjoyment of future generations.

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