Lilith as the serpent of Eden. Examples of its pressence in the Hispanic late me-dieval art
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Pecado original
arte medieval Lilith
Original sin
medieval art

How to Cite

San José Pérez, R. (2021). Lilith as the serpent of Eden. Examples of its pressence in the Hispanic late me-dieval art. Liño, 27(27), 21–32.


The evil Lilith, the first woman of the Creation according to the Hebrew writings, appears throughout the History personifying the sin, the vice, the lust. She denies to be submissive and obedient, so she escapes from the Paradise and has sexual relations with the followers of Lucifer. We can find different works about the Original Sin in the medieval art which show a snake-woman beside Eva. She succumbs to the temptation and condemn the human race. Lilith is the creature that brings the evil to the world, without wishes of redemption.
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