Cadellada Chapel, Oviedo, Spain. Repair of the roofs and the tower
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Simarro González, D. (2021). Cadellada Chapel, Oviedo, Spain. Repair of the roofs and the tower. Liño, 27(27), 175–188.


Cadellada Chapel is located next to the Central University Hospital of Asturias and belonged to the old Provincial Psychiatric Hospital (“La Cadellada”). It was designed in neo-Romanesque style in 1940 by the architect Manuel Bobes and its construction was completed in 1944. It is included in the protected properties’ technical data sheets of the General Urban Development Plan (PGOU) of Ovie-do. The Chapel was built using stone masonry in walls and buttresses. The singular elements were resolved with brick or tile board. The mixed structural solution of the main roof and the partitioned vaults stand out. To define the works described in this article, we carried out a pathological analysis to identify the lesions and determine their causes. As a result of our knowledge of the building and its state of conservation, we proposed a respectful intervention consisting of the consolidation of the supporting structure and the resolution of rainwater filtrations.
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