Picasso, encyclopedic still lifes in Vallauris, in 1951 to 1954.
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Escultura Enciclopédica Picasso
Figurative Art
Creative techniques
Enciclopedica Sculpture

How to Cite

Luque Teruel, A. (2022). Picasso, encyclopedic still lifes in Vallauris, in 1951 to 1954. Liño, 28(28), 105–114. https://doi.org/10.17811/li.28.2022.105-114


Picasso´s encyclopedic sculpture was adjusted to three periods in different workshops, in Boisgeloup, in 1933-1934; Paris, in 1937 and 1943-1945; and Vallauris, in 1948-1954. During three years in this last stage he made still lifes with various elements, in which he took the encyclopedic method to its maximum level of plastic expression, especially in the cases in which he included vases with flowers, in which the objects had a prominent participation diverse that transformed into containers and the integration of industrial materials such as parts of plants and flowers. The article systematically studies for the first time these works, collected in the catalog of Werner Spies and Christine Piot, who only commented on then in a generic way, so that the classification and detailed analysis of all of them provide a deeper and more exact knowledge of each one and, by extension, of the encyclopedic sculpture as a whole.

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