An example of a healthcare building under the protection of industrial paternalism: El Hospitalillo de Llaranes.
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Assistential architecture
Factory Hospital
Industrial Paternalism
Francoism Arquitectura asistencial
Hospital de empresa
Paternalismo industrial

How to Cite

Villa Varela, A. (2022). An example of a healthcare building under the protection of industrial paternalism: El Hospitalillo de Llaranes. Liño, 28(28), 125–134.


This study deals with the construction of a welfare building "El Hospitalillo" by Empresa Nacional Siderúrgica S.A. (ENSIDESA) in Llaranes, Avilés, Spain. In addition to analyzing the architecture of the same related to the hospital buildings of companies, it is put into context within the historical period in which it is registered, Francoism, and the paternalistic business practices carried out during the dictatorship. This is intended to highlight the problems that lead to this type of construction: accidents and occupational diseases, which pose a high risk to employees, and on the other, the benefits that this type of propaganda offers employers. Archival and bibliographic sources, as well as field works, have been used to carry out the research to check the current state of the building.
PDF (Español (España))


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