Circulating Interiors/Desiring Corporealities: Gay Post-domesticity Through the Selfie
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Gay post-domesticity
gay space
selfie Posdomesticidad gay
espacio gay

How to Cite

Jiménez-Leciñena, J. (2022). Circulating Interiors/Desiring Corporealities: Gay Post-domesticity Through the Selfie. Liño, 28(28), 135–142.


This article aims to analyse the concept of "gay post-domesticity", understood as a rearticulation, by gay men, of the heteronormative values of the home through technology, more specifically, the selfie. This use of contemporary photography will be analysed in its potential to create alternative spatialities through the image, thus creating new readings and transgressive uses that visually and discursively question traditional domestic ideology. This approach seeks, in short, the widening of LGTBIQ+ spaces and times, necessary to inhabit a more just and egalitarian society, based on the political and creative power of visuality, as well as the exploration of the performative character of the image.
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