Good, Nice and Cheap: Prefabricated School Architecture of Empresa Nacional Siderúrgica, S.A. in Avilés (Asturias)
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How to Cite

Domínguez Rodríguez, R. (2022). Good, Nice and Cheap: Prefabricated School Architecture of Empresa Nacional Siderúrgica, S.A. in Avilés (Asturias). Liño, 28(28), 115–124.


From 1950 onwards, the Instituto Nacional de Industria promoted one of the most ambitious enterprise. The construction of ENSIDESA steelworks and the birth of the working-class neighborhoods, highlighting Llaranes, favoured the creation of new services and facilities for the "producers". Within these paternalistic policies, education worked a fundamental role. The great demand for educational spaces allowed the Company to design and build provisional schools for the settlements of Llaranes and "Francisco Franco". Both of them are analyzed in this article. Despite their deliberate temporariness, these small buildings had an attractive functionalist design, executed without leaving behind the aesthetic will of their forms and the creation of pleasant spaces for work and recreation.
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