Los Bermúdez y los Montero: dos sagas de plateros compostelanos unidas por matrimonios
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Santiago de Compostela
Nineteenth Century
Archives Platería
Santiago de Compostela
Siglo XIX

How to Cite

Pérez Varela, A. (2023). Los Bermúdez y los Montero: dos sagas de plateros compostelanos unidas por matrimonios: Noticias inéditas y documentos para la correcta periodización de sus carreras y catalogación de sus obras. Liño, 29(29), 77–90. https://doi.org/10.17811/li.29.2023.77-90


Until now, the surnames Bermúdez and Montero have appeared related to marks of silver pieces in studies from catalogues and exhibitions, without practically anything being known about these silversmiths, despite being among the most outstanding families of the silversmithing of Santiago in the nineteenth century. Through our work in the Municipal Archives and the ones of the Cathedral of Santiago, the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country of Santiago and the newspaper archives of the National Library of Madrid and the Xeral Library of the USC, where we work with historical press and industrial documents, we have been able to locate a good number of members of these families, that until now we did not know that they were united, and what is more, by two marriages. Thanks to this we have been able to periodize approximately their careers, determine their marks and public positions, such as the contrast or councilman in the City Council, as well as collect their works, propose the correct attribution and dating and guideline some stylistic considerations.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Pérez Varela


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