Analysis of the legal protection of the parish church of Santa Eulalia de Palma. Technical proposal to update its administrative file.
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parish church of Santa Eulalia in Palma
Asset of Cultural Interest
Protection of Cultural Heritage
Religious Heritage
Majorca Bien de Interés Cultural
Protección del Patrimonio Cultural
Patrimonio Religioso
Santa Eulalia de Palma

How to Cite

Escalas Sucari, S. (2024). Analysis of the legal protection of the parish church of Santa Eulalia de Palma. Technical proposal to update its administrative file. Liño, 30(30), 179–190.


The parish church of Santa Eulalia in Palma is one of the oldest and most important churches in Mallorca's cultural heritage. It has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC) with the category of historic-artistic monument since 1985 and has been protected at a local level with category A1 by the city's Urban Development Plan since 1998. Despite these figures of protection, the various administrative files at both national and regional level are currently devoid of any kind of associated documentation, so they are not adapted to the stipulated legality in force.

Taking this context into account, the aim of this article is to analyze the current state of protection of this heritage and to propose a series of criteria or documentary procedures to update these files, adapt them to current legislation and generate a management strategy that encourages an improvement in their conservation and future protection.
PDF (Español (España))


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