A case of iconographic survival: the theme of the female bath in the Roman disc lamp of the high-imperial period
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Roman imperial disc lamp
female bath
kneeling bath
Roman artistic culture lucerna romana de disco alto-imperial
baño femenino
baño en cuclillas
cultura artística romana

How to Cite

Vendrell Cabanillas, D. (2024). A case of iconographic survival: the theme of the female bath in the Roman disc lamp of the high-imperial period. Liño, 30(30), 9–20. https://doi.org/10.17811/li.30.2024.9-20


The iconographic theme of the female bath survives during Hellenism until it was incorporated into Roman artistic culture. In it not only the Roman copies of the Greek originals of the Aphrodite types stand out, but also the peculiar production of terracotta lamps dated around to the 1st-3nd centuries AD. In whose circular discs it is represented, for example, the standardized representation in bas-relief of bathers washing in the basin and kneeling bathers, and the Venus pudica, anadyomene and aposandalizousa types; a case study not discussed by the historiographical tradition. For this reason, the objective of this article is to carry out an iconographic and compositional study of the female bath images of the figurative repertoire of the roman imperial disc lamps which, on the one hand, acquire a human and/or divine dimension and, on the other hand, present models and/or compositional schemes that show a case of iconographic survival.

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