Author Guidelines
The works must be unpublished and original. They must not have been published or presented for this purpose in any other medium.
In order to guarantee anonymity in the review and acceptance process, no mention of the author (or footnotes) may be included in the work to reveal his or her identity.
The originals must be sent through the OJS platform at the REUNIDO address:
The author must first register on the platform, completing all the information required at each step and entering the metadata (title, abstract, keywords and their corresponding English translation, references, etc.).
Along with the work, a courtesy page is also included in a separate document, containing the title of the article in Spanish and English, the author's full name, academic affiliation, contact information – address, email, telephone – and a brief summary; approximately 10 lines.
Papers may be presented in Spanish, English, French or Italian.
The printed work must be a maximum of 15 pages long.
Article structure: title (Spanish and English), abstract in Spanish that does not exceed 150 words and an abstract or translation of the abstract into English, along with five keywords in Spanish and their translation into English.
The title, the abstract and the keywords, in Spanish and in English, must also be included in the submission's metadata section, as well as the bibliographic references collected in the work.
File format
The text must be presented in WORD format, with one and a half line spacing.
Typography: Times, body 12 for title and text, and 10 for notes.
Bibliographical references
Must be included in the metadata section.
Must presented at the end of the text, following these examples:
Book: AUTHOR SURNAME (in capitals), First name (in lowercase), Title of the entire book including the subtitle in italics, Publisher, Publishing city, Publishing year, pp.
Article in books: AUTHOR SURNAME (in capitals), First name (in lowercase), “Title of the article in quotation marks”, the Title of the entire book including the subtitle in italics, Publisher, Publishing city, Publishing year, pp.
Journal articles: AUTHOR SURNAME (in capitals), First name (in lowercase), “Article title in quotation marks”, the Full title including the italic subtitle of the Journal, Volume, journal number, Publishing city, Publishing year, pp.
When the bibliographic citation is repeated, it can be abbreviated in this way: AUTHOR SURNAME (in capitals), First name (in lowercase), Book Title (only the first words), opus cit., pp.
Illustrations: A maximum of five figures may be incorporated. They must be numbered consecutively in Arabic characters as shown: Fig. 1….
They must be submitted in JPG format (minimum 200 dpi) in files independent of the text.
A separate file must be included with the captions, which must contain as much information as possible: author, work, location, chronology and source.