Literature in the framework of cognitive neurosciences. The new approaches of study
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cognitive neurosciences
literary research
Stanilas Dehaene
reader learning
metaphor studies. neurociencias cognitivas
investigación literaria
Stanislas Dehaene
aprendizaje lector
estudios de la metáfora.


The work we present arises from a concern shared by a team of academics about the difficulties in reading learning of Dominican children, which resulted in the search for solutions based on the most innovative proposals of the cognitive neurosciences that Stanislas Dehaene points out, a prestigious exponent of this discipline of study.

This perspective of transdisciplinary study leads us, on the other hand, to review the scientific results about the relationship between the literary fact and the theory of the mind, with the purpose of designing experimental applications in the classroom that are efficient and of proven validation . Among the reviewed articles stand out those that show that the reading of literary texts of good quality strengthens the cognitive processes in the formation of heterometacognitive skills, as well as the studies that focus on the analysis of the understanding of the metaphor from the perspective of the neurosciences.
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