1535: The workshop of the main sacristy of Seville cathedral at the death of the Master builder Diego de Riaño
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stonemasonry workshop
Diego de Riaño
Martín de Gaínza
sacristy Nómina
taller de cantería
Diego de Riaño
Martín de Gaínza

How to Cite

Salguero Mejías, F. J. (2024). 1535: The workshop of the main sacristy of Seville cathedral at the death of the Master builder Diego de Riaño. Liño, 30(30), 35–46. https://doi.org/10.17811/li.30.2024.35-46


In November 1534, the stonemasonry workshop that was carrying out the work on the Main Sacristy of Seville Cathedral was immersed in a phase of uncertainty following the death of the main master, Diego de Riaño. The recent appearance of some payrolls, including one from the year 1535, has allowed us to delve into this stage of the construction to gain a better understanding of the composition and functioning of the workshop, as well as the development of the works at that time. For this reason, the present article offers a more clarifying reading of the evolution of the workshop, which was directed by Martín de Gaínza after the death of the master Riaño, and contributes new analyses and data to the still active debate on the authorship of the sacristy.

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