Studying the didactic possibilities of audiovisual translation (subtitling and dubbing) in the teaching of Asturian in Primary Education
Lletres Asturianes 123 (ochobre 2020)
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Roberto, & Alberto. (2020). Studying the didactic possibilities of audiovisual translation (subtitling and dubbing) in the teaching of Asturian in Primary Education. Lletres Asturianes, (123), 147–166.


The current paper reports on empirical data from a quasi-experimental research study delving into the didactic possibilities of audiovisual translation in the teaching of Asturian. Namely, the use of subtitling and dubbing as teaching resources in the teaching of Asturian Language in Primary Education (5th and 6th grades) is examined. The investigation relies on a sample of 62 students of Primary Education enrolled in 2 public schools in the Principality of Asturias which volunteer to implement a 2-month intervention in the academic year 2018-2019.Participants answered a close-ended questionnaire enquiring about their perceptions on the use of subtitling and dubbing in the classroom. This tool was complemented with in-class observation by the authors of the study. The results of the investigation underline the pedagogic possibilities of audiovisual translation in the teaching of Asturian, with very favourable views reported by the students, especially as regards dubbing. The paper concludes by providing educational implications related with the teaching of the traditional language of Asturias. Keywords: audiovisual translation, subtitling, dubbing, Asturian language, Primary Education.
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