A new view on the Asturian dative clitic
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asturianu modernu y medieval Clitics
Modern and Medieval Asturian

How to Cite

Lorenzo González, G. (2022). A new view on the Asturian dative clitic. Lletres Asturianes, (120), 11–21. Retrieved from https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/Lletres/article/view/18322


This paper emphasizes an idiosyncratic feature of Asturian within the context of other neighboring Iberian Romance languages. In all these languages, when the dative and the accusative clitic concur, a certain strategy is triggered that either fusions them or somehow modifies them, given that they are seen as identical at a certain level of analysis. In Asturian, however, datives remain the same in such a context. The paper explores the thesis that this state of affairs entailed the historical assimilation of properties of the locative clitic by the dative one. By means of this strategy, the dative clitic is able to be processed as sufficiently different from the the accusative. The paper makes a historical follow-up of the process, by means of the inspection of the Asturian medieval record and it identifies many instances of clitics in which the locative and the dative are almost indistinguishable. The claim is made that such a circumstance facilitated, on the one hand, the transfer of features in the locative-to-dative direction and, on the other hand, the imprinting of a distinct character onto the dative relatively to the accusative. The paper also deepens into a previously noted strategy, according to which the distinctiveness conflict between the accusative and the dative clitic was solved by means of a single contracted clitic. It is argued that the robustness of the hypothesis is sustained by its wide range of applications, both in similar and in completely independent cases, which points to the universal character of the grammatical constraint under investigation.

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