Asturian theater in Xixón (Asturies)
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teatru asturianu
teatru n’asturianu
teatru en Xixón theatre
Asturian theatre
theatre in the Asturian language
theatre in Xixón (Asturies)

How to Cite

Fernández Fernández, D. (2022). Asturian theater in Xixón (Asturies). Lletres Asturianes, (120), 85–116. Retrieved from


This paper, which is part of a larger study, aims to provide a brief semiotic analysis of the theatrical performances in the Asturian language held in the municipality of Xixón (Asturies) between the years 2011 and 2013, following the methodology of theatrical semiotics proposed by Professor José Nicolás Romera Castillo. The aforementioned study constitutes, in this sense, the first work that is done in relation to this subject following criteria of systematic and rigorous analysis in line with that methodology. The paper is divided into six sections and includes, if not all, most of the theatrical performances staged in Asturian in Xixón during the aforesaid period. For this purpose, the first section includes some technical notes and a very general and necessarily brief review of the Asturian theatre scene taking into account the history of theatre in Asturies, the number of performances, companies and festivals, box-office figures and some other data. The second part of the paper lists the bibliographical and newspaper sources consulted for the writing of the paper and the graphics used. The third section includes a small summary table for each of the works performed between 2011 and 2013, offering a brief synopsis of the plot and some information on the author, the director, the participating actors and actresses, the place where the performance was staged, the genre, etc., as well as the price of tickets. All these elements will be summarized in a table in the fourth section. The fifth part of the paper contains a succinct analysis, considering the aspects dealt with in the previous sections, with the aim of presenting the information offered by the performances in Asturian during the mentioned period with regard to the specific theatrical genre, the type of work, etc., always making use of some explanatory graphics. The paper closes with some final remarks and the corresponding bibliography.

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