MECA: an undergraduate short-term study abroad research project about Asturian language and Asturian emigration to America


Historical Code-Meshing
Digital Humanities pedagoxía
peñera de códigu históricu
humanidaes dixitales pedagoxía
peñera de códigu históricu
humanidaes dixitales

How to Cite

Lamar Prieto, C. (2023). MECA: an undergraduate short-term study abroad research project about Asturian language and Asturian emigration to America . Lletres Asturianes, (129), 55–71.


Manuscripts and Editions of Correspondence from Asturians is an undergraduate Digital Humanities research project in which participants in a short term study abroad program contribute to the recovery and edition of letters sent by Asturian immigrants to America (the continent) to their families back in Asturias in the late XIX and early XX centuries. Participants, who are bilingual speakers of Spanish and English, share with the authors of the letters the familial history of immigration, as well as the experience of being speakers of a minoritized language. Those letters, in turn, serve as a testimony of the presence of code-meshing, as well as that of multiple features of Asturian language, in the text of the letters.


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