Krüger’s new writings
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asturian dialectology
field studiesç
Fritz Krüger Senabria
dialeutoloxía asturiana
recoyida de campu
Fritz Krüger Senabria
dialeutoloxía asturiana
recoyida de campu
Fritz Krüger

How to Cite

Lajo, X. X. (2023). Krüger’s new writings: more information about Senabrese Dialect at the beginning of the XX . Lletres Asturianes, (129), 95–111.


The aim of this article is to offer a short analysis of the new wri- tings, unknown until now, of the German researcher Fritz Krüger, in which he brings together plenty of information about the Senabrese dialect, collec- ted during his travels to Senabria in the winter of 1921-1922. In this work it is presented a little abridgement of Krüger’s biography related to Senabria. After this, a list and a short commentary of the works published by the resear- cher referring to Sanabria is presented. Krüger's notebooks that came down to us are then explained: the notebook that served as the basis for the publi- cation of the Atlas Lingüístico de la Sanabria Interior y de La Carballeda- La Requejada, prepared by Juan Carlos González Ferrero, and two other field notebooks that are still extant, the rest having disappeared in a flood at Krüger's house in Argentina.

In the next part of this work, the contents of the Krüger folders to which this work refers are explained. A list of the locations where Krüger conducted his research is included. Also, it is included an index of the contents of the folders, the number of sheets in each one and some examples of the sheets in them. Finally, a brief summary of the studies that are being carried out on these documents is given.

In the next part of this work, the contents of the Krüger folders to which this work refers are explained. A list of the locations where Krüger conducted his research is included. Also, it is included an index of the contents of the folders, the number of sheets in each one and some examples of the sheets in them. Finally, a brief summary of the studies that are being carried out on these documents is given.
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Krüger, F. (1923a). El dialecto de San Ciprián de Sanabria: monografía leonesa. Ma-drid: Imprenta de Sucesores de Hernando.

Krüger, F. (1923b). Vocablos y cosas de Sanabria, RFE, X, 153-166.

Krüger, F. (1925a). Die Gegenstandskultur Sanabrias und seiner Nachbargebiete. Ham-burg: Kommissionsverlag L. Friederichsen & Co.

Krüger, F. (1925b). Mezcla de dialectos, en Homenaje a Menéndez Pidal: miscelánea de estudios lingüísticos, literarios e históricos, II, (pp. 121-166).

Krüger, F. (1954). El perfecto de los verbos en –ar en los dialectos de Sanabria y de sus zonas colindantes, RFE, XXXVIII, 45-82.

Krüger, F. (1965). Aportes a la fonética dialectal de Sanabria y de sus zonas colindantes, RFE, XLVIII, 251-282.

Krüger, F. (1967). Los adverbios lejos y luego en perspectiva dialectal en Homenaje dedi-cado al Dr. Rodolfo Oroz (pp. 251-283).

Krüger, F. & González Ferrero, J. C. (2011). Atlas Lingüístico de la Sanabria Interior y de La Carballeda-La Requejada. Zamora: Institutos de Estudios Zamoranos.