Are Asturian’s intervocalic voiceless Plosives actually voiceless?
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phonological recategorization sonorización
reaxuste fonolóxicu

How to Cite

Muñiz Cachón, C. (2023). Are Asturian’s intervocalic voiceless Plosives actually voiceless?. Lletres Asturianes, (129), 41–54.


The voicing of voiceless consonants /p t k/ in intervocalic position in some peninsular Romance languages is well known, and the same behaviour has been observed in current Asturian. To assess its scope, the aim of this article is to present the results of the spectrographic analysis of several samples in which linguistic variables such as consonant type, context, accent, and sentence modality have been controlled. In addition, sociolinguistic variables such as the geographical origin of the informants, gender and language style have been considered. For this purpose, a corpus of elicited speech and a corpus of spontaneous speech were used. Each of the realisations of the consonants /p t k/ in intervocalic contexts was analysed with the Praat. The presence of glottal pulses in the signal oscillograms was assessed to delimit the voicing of the consonants. The results corroborated the initial hypothesis: in Asturian an increase in lenition was observed, particularly in spontaneous speech. Finally, the phonological impact of this voicing was assessed.
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