Vol. 12 No. 15 (2023): Res Mobilis. International Research Journal of Furniture and Decorative Objects
Res Mobilis. International Research Journal of Furniture and Decorative Objects

                           Ana María Fernández García and Renata Ribeiro dos Santos (ed.)


Pablo Miguel Orduna Portús, Naiara Ardanaz Iñarga, Amara Carvajal, Ángel Mari Pérez Artuch , Maitane Baqué, Javier Petrotx, Aritz Larraia
Stones that speak: cataloging and analysis of cobblestone pavements in the Roncal Valley (Navarre)
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Alejandra Cortés, Verónica Zaragoza, Xochipilli Rossell Pedraza
The "enconchados" of the Conquest of Mexico in a Mexican museum: paintings or folding screen? The dilemma of an object
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Antonio Sánchez Casado
Location of the Royal Cabinetry workshops. Indications, conjectures and hypotheses
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Maite Paliza Monduate
Works produced by Belgian interior decoration workshops in Spain at the end of the 19th Century
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Daniel Lucas Teijeiro Mosquera
The Exhibition of A Coruña in 1919: Art, Business and Industry Between the Local and the Universal
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Sandra Inés Sánchez
Domesticities challenged in the City of Buenos Aires since the beginning of the 20th century. Material culture, modes and forms of inhabiting the domestic space
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Francisco Xabier Louzao Martínez
The work of architects in the decoration of commercial establishments: Juan de Ciórraga and the Basanta Pharmacy in Vilalba (Lugo)
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Lola Caparrós Masegosa
The National Exhibitions of Decorative Arts in Spain in the first third of the 20th century
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María Villanueva Fernández, Héctor García-Diego Villarias
The Seminal Footprint of the Bauhaus. Furniture and Interior in Spanish Magazines in the Interwar Period
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Juan Agustín Mancebo Roca
Art, myth and memory. Massimo Scolari’s furniture
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Carmen Lage Veloso
Transparent skin. The metaphor of glass in modern architecture and furniture design
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