Case study in northeastern Portugal prosody: contributions to a multimedia atlas of the Romance languages
Lletres Asturianes 123 (ochobre 2020)
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Rosa Lídia, Alberto, & Lurdes de Castro. (2020). Case study in northeastern Portugal prosody: contributions to a multimedia atlas of the Romance languages. Lletres Asturianes, (123), 97–108.


The lack of research on the prosody of Romance languages in general, and Portuguese in particular, gives rise to the project to which this study belongs. Thanks to the emergence of new technologies, which include suitable computational tools for speech signal collection and analysis, the Prosodic Multimedia Atlas of Romance Languages, AMPER project, appeared in 1999. This project departed from an idea of Michel Contini, originally presented in Bilbao in 1991 (Contini, 1992). Several countries in Europe and Latin America participate in this project, with the general objective of describing and contrasting the prosodic variation of all Romance varieties (Romano, Contini & Lai, 2014, p. 27). The studies on Portuguese varieties, domain AMPER-POR (AMPER for European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese), are coordinated by Professor Lurdes Moutinho and are based at the University of Aveiro, Portugal (website ). The acoustic analysis of the corpora collected in the field is done with MatLab software. For this purpose, we use scripts developed for the Project and used by all AMPER researchers, allowing the researchers to manually label the voice signals and automatically extract the acoustic parameters (F0, duration and intensity) from the vocal segments. It is possible to carry out an automatic statistical treatment of the data that allows graphical representations and applications in the field of geoprosody, studies such as linguistic dialectometry (Moutinho, Coimbra, Rilliard & Romano, 2011) and cartography (Moutinho et al. 2019). For the present example, we selected two informants with only basic education and from two locations in the north-eastern part of Trás-os-Montes. Both have Portuguese as their mother tongue, although one of them is inserted in a context in which Mirandese is also spoken, while the other is not exposed to that language. This study aims to account for the possible interference of the prosody of the Mirandese language on the Portuguese in a geographical context in which the two languages coexist. We noticed some differences between these two Portuguese speakers but not notorious enough to allow us to conclude that the sociolinguistic context may have influenced their melodies. Keywords: prosody, experimental phonetics, computational processing, Portuguese.
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