Three unpublished letters between Father Galo and Pepín de Pría discovered during the research of the Fernán-Coronas Project
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Fernán - Coronas Project
Unpublished Correspondence
Father Galo
Pepín de Pría Proyectu Fernán-Coronas
correspondencia inédita
Padre Galo
Pepín de Pría Proyectu Fernán-Coronas
correspondencia inédita
Padre Galo
Pepín de Pría

How to Cite

Martínez Expósito, A. (2023). Three unpublished letters between Father Galo and Pepín de Pría discovered during the research of the Fernán-Coronas Project. Lletres Asturianes, (129), 112–141.


During the more than two years of activity of the Fernán-Coronas Project, the fruits of our research have been made known, based on a fundamental work of classification and digitization of the preserved documentary collections of Father Galo. In order to continue sharing our results, we present here three unpublished letters between Fernán-Coronas and Pepín de Pría found in the personal file of Oliva Avello, that allow us to delve significantly into the relationship that existed between these two Asturian authors and to a large extent complete the image that provided us with the little correspondence already published. Thus, we will make a brief review of the previously published letters, we will expose the context of appearance of the manuscripts and their formal characteristics, we will make an analysis of this correspondence emphasizing the issues that seem to us of greatest interest and, finally, we will provide digital reproductions of the manuscripts studied -and others that complement our work- and we will offer a transcript of them.
PDF (Asturianu)


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