Gender stereotypes, education and commercial sex
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Ansiedad Preescolar
Niveles de Ansiedad
Educación Infantil
Escala de Ansiedad de Spence
Trastornos Emocionales Anxiety Levels;
Preschool Anxiety;
Preschool education;
PAS Spence;
Emotional Disorders

How to Cite

Gutiérrez García, C. (2021). Gender stereotypes, education and commercial sex. Magister. Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation, 32(2), 1–8.


Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent emotional problems in Preschool Education,
affecting 10-20% of the population in these ages, being persistent over time and predictors
of later problems. That is why the present work aims to analyze the presence of anxiety
in a group of students, both from the perspective of families and teachers. To carry out
the study, the Preschool Anxiety Scale (PAS) was used in a classroom with 19 students
of ages between 3 and 4, in its version for families and teachers. The results obtained indicate
a low level of agreement between the data observed from both perspectives, there
being agreement regarding the subscales of Social Anxiety and Fear for Physical Integrity.
Furthermore, only above-average scores have been detected in family observations. The
importance of early detection and family-school communication are concluded.
PDF (Español (España))


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